Markus Eisl


Matura at the BRG Schloss Traunsee in Altmünster

About the School

BRG Schloss Traunsee, situated in Altmünster am Traunsee, Austria, is a General Higher Education School that specializes in foreign languages. It provides two academic tracks: natural sciences and business.


I chose the business pathway. The school provided me with a solid foundation for my studies, with an emphasis on mathematics, English, and economics. I also had the opportunity to choose Latin as an additional course.

Extracurricular Activities

During my time at BRG Schloss Traunsee, I had the opportunity to engage in various extracurricular activities. I was a member of the tennis team and also participated in the Talent Academy. As part of the Talent Academy, we went on exciting excursions and took part in competitions. One notable competition involved building small robots and having them compete on different courses. It was during this experience that I had my first exposure to coding, using predefined code-blocks.